

"Real And True" 真實與正確


You are pushing my patience, so theres no know 你正在磨耗我的耐心,因為他們不知道

Im sick and tired of being denied all by you 我已經厭倦被你否定一切

Hurting me (hurting me)  傷害我

Breaking me (breaking me)  使我分崩離析

Hurting me (hurting me)  傷害我

Burning me  使我焦燎不堪


Cause what you see is real and true  因為你看到了真實與正確

You can't take that away from me  你不可以從我這邊離去

No matter what you do  無論你做了什麼

You can't take that away from me  你不可以從我這邊離去

won't let it slip away  不想要讓它從我手中滑落

witnessed too much to me  對我而言,已經看到了太多

Cause what you see is real and true  因為你所看到的,是真實與正確


I will do nothing to break down what I've built up  我不會試圖做任何事,去打破既定的一切

I will do whatever it takes to make this stop  我會試圖去做任何事,去停止這件事情的腳步

Hurting me (hurting me)  傷害我

Breaking me (breaking me)  使我分崩離析

Hurting me (hurting me)  傷害我

Burning me  使我焦燎不堪


I won't let it go!  我不想讓它逝去!


Cause what you see is real and true  因為你看到了真實與正確

You can't take that away from me  你不可以從我這邊離去

No matter what you do  無論你做了什麼

You can't take that away from me  你不可以從我這邊離去

won't let it slip away  不想要讓它從我手中滑落

witnessed too much to me  對我而言,已經看到了太多

Cause what you see is real and true  因為你所看到的,是真實與正確


You see things from a different point of view  你從不同的觀點來看待這件事

Why should I listen?  我應該要聽你的嗎?

why should I let you in?  我應該要讓你參予其中嗎?

Why should I even trust you?  甚至,我應該要相信你嗎?

We are like two different Worlds apart  我們就像是不同世界的人/我們之間的差異太大

Won't let you in, always wait for remain  不想讓你參予其中,總是止步於等待

Why should I even trust you?  甚至是,我真的能夠信任你嗎?


Hurting me (hurting me)  傷害我

Breaking me (breaking me)  使我分崩離析

Hurting me (hurting me)  傷害我

Burning me  使我焦燎不堪


I won't let it go!  我不想讓它逝去!


Cause what you see is real and true  因為你看到了真實與正確

You can't take that away from me  你不可以從我這邊離去

No matter what you do  無論你做了什麼

You can't take that away from me  你不可以從我這邊離去

won't let it slip away  不想要讓它從我手中滑落

witnessed too much to me  對我而言,已經看到了太多

Cause what you see is real and true  因為你所看到的,是真實與正確


REAL AND TRUE!  真實與正確!


    Dead By April Real And true

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